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Sunday 9 November 2008

A Real Life Begin......

2008 1st of Nov, i start work as my dad's MINI MINI assistance. I address my self as a low lvl employee tat's bcoz i will start to learn from the basic and i must... As im graduated from hotel management( hospitality), all the knowledge i learned b4 useless for my dad management(sand company). Now wat can i do is keep the passed, create a new folder, learn from the base.

Tis few days, i jus learned to do billing, pom oil, and buy oil. Those stuffs looks easy to do but i always tio wash ears by dad. It doesnt means i done no well, jus my dad wan i learn to b expect on it and nvr do mistake even half of time. I told to many of my frenZ b4, my dad "Geng" in scold ppl, expecially mistakes appear infront of him while he order u.

My dad Hired 10 employees, afterward the 9 employees bcame unemployees coz bie tahan on my dad's lesson ^^. Previously, when my dad scold me, i will counterattack bek the words he said, coz tat moment we got our own policy against some shit. But from now on, when he say "1", "2" wouldnt come out from my mouth. i start to accept the old vision he used. Old doesnt mean oit of date meanwhile it useful. I more n more happi of my job on learning the experiences sharing by my dad, and i proud of him.

The works i having not hard at all, jus the place i working veri hot. jus passed 9 days, my skin revolution to Dark JP d. When i join on tis management, i realise tat i met many new fren, but all uncle-uncle aged around 45 to 50. So far so good on communication v them. But wat i feeling strange is y all the uncles also wil ask me tis question, "Do you
~!@#@$#$ b4 ? " OMG, realli shiit of bull... I jus answer them, "ask my nose n my nose wil tell u the aswer". Can't blieve tis type of question fever to those uncles, sux lea.....

Now i waiting the time to pass, wana apply to hav a lorry liscense. "Time" are my important key to grow up, i wan show the bes of me. coz im not batman and superman, im who im, and im jp, jp 4ever...


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Tuesday 14 October 2008

B4 comment ppl plz comment ur self ;)

Angry, veri angrily......
Days ago had a gathering v frens, many topics of talks n jokes been spoke out. A part of topic, i been comment, they said im a home's worm, means a worm who os stay at home, dislike to walk out from home to join frens's party or trips. When i been commenting, moods been broke, n i speechless n just kep those words in my heart.

Memory the passed, who's the 1 always "let Aeroplane" to me? When i date u guys, who's the 1 always find stupid reason to denied my date?? frens's birthday hor?? parents sick hor?? Ned fetch brother to airport hor?? The most funnies reason i heard b4 is race chinese also got celebration in own house during HARI RAYA.....

I tries to betray my believe to u guys, may b the reason from u r real, may b fake, but i don k......
Coz wat i wan is true words. If u don wan go out can u jus tel me? May b u sked wil hurt my feeling while denied my date, but do u think b4 i wil more hurt when u used ur fake reason to cover ur lies who not oni once??? but happened twice or more???
Not oni tat, coz i realise tat u guys also seldom date me out....

Tat days gathering i realli disagree the comments by u guys n i wis can attack in retaliation, but i didnt, coz u r my FRENS, n i k ur feelings...... I hated the words by u, but i don think tis worth the cost to hav arguement ^^ Using the universe to compare v my problem here, it's a tiny case.
should erase from mind .......

After shout out in own blog feeling good d, better then discuss v ani frens making ani misunderstand apear between each others.....

^^ Yeah, good in mood d, go sleep luu, daDA muakz......


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Tuesday 22 July 2008

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Monday 21 July 2008

Im me, u not me.....

Being slacking a long period. Ppl ask me how's the life n doing whatzzz, i answer im fine, jus being a rubish inside the rubbish dum, doing nth, waiting ppl pushing on my move. Im banning on myself, no plan no target no help no contact, easi way can b say that im realli a rubish, a fat rubish....

Now i feel an alarm belling beside me, it active n woke me up v a strong motivate, sence like much of stuff waiting on me, waiting my both hand to begin. i Haven got a job work now doesnt mean i talking nonsence here, but at less i wil sleep eari n woke eari now, wil not avoid from do house work n some more i ned to b a baby sister to tek k my nephew, coz my sister prenant second 1, good news to hear that the baby is a female n wil born on september, cant wait to see u ^^
Jus bek from west malaysia for attend my only convo. Tis day "12th of july" is a big moment that i wil nvr mop it down in my mind forever n always, a good morning wearing a whole black gown, hands of flowers about 4 bunch until my both hand canot tek it tide n keep drop it, a special flat who made from my lovely frenZ, all of it rarely happen1, so how come we wil skip to tek pic for memories? kaakaa..... Here a special tinQ to my friends BOON JIN(Atend my convo Asked4 treat 1,shiittt), vanessa ( tek left from penang bcoz 4 attend my convo, don noe true or not), Ming soon( graZ me then dissable), andy lau botak, King kong, Marcus, n the couple Kent n Gynn. i wish 2 apeciate ur flowers, but i cant tek to sabah, left at kampar, psps luu... >__<

A special tinQ to twinz n her family too, also my Double x house mate "eleven finger monster" Siew Hoe. 2gether we play b4, we laugh b4, we crazy b4, When met all of u in my convo, my heart touched, i wish to cry but i cant, monkeys around, how come i wil show my crying face infront them, it's limited, oni special ppl can saw it ^^ kaakaa
las year, I missed the chance to graduate v all my bes friends, sadness apear!!!! Now i also graduated v my bes friends too but oni few cat n dog, i noe the feeling is diff, but it nvr hide my happi , coz u guys appearing, it reborn my happi, love u all dude.......

Happi moments canot hold, jus like the wind passed by in ur face n u cant ask 4 return... sometin that u hav b4, u got it n it wil means for u. But if u miss it, don try to ask for more, let it b, let it b, let it b, let it b..... So, what 4 keeping bad history? Now value ur self, value ur future coming on......Yeah, i love jp....


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Friday 11 April 2008

Confusing English...

Tis day do nth, no gaming..
What can do?
Find article, read article, n showing here, it tamed me, it stole my smiled ^^

1. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?

2. Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?

3. If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

4. If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes?

5. Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?

6. Why the man who invests all your money called a broker?

7. If horrific means to make horrible, does terrific mean to make terrible?

8. Why is it called building when it is already built?

9. If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?

10.If you're not supposed to drink and drive, then why do bars have parking lots?

11.If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?

12.If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?? Humans ???

bits funie,
enjoy much of it~

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" 幸福的感动"

版权 神经兮兮@ 娃娃物语

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Sunday 23 March 2008

Jus finished a watch of football game between CHELSEA and ARSENAL. B4 the game start, i edi pray 4 my team don too sad 4 it, coz i got a feeling that who wil be beat down in the game. And in the end of the game, I'm right, BINGO....!!! Chelsea win over Arsenal as 2-1. As im a supporter of arsenal, i noe that u guys can't defeat ur enemy.. When the game almost end since it left few minutes n confirm that u guys sure lose the game while stil owing a ball, but i nvr giv up my faith, stil standing by ur side, stil pray 4 a score to draw the game to cover the lose,
coz i blieve that,
it stil got a chances,
A bery bery tidy's chances,
but It doesn't means....

Evi games same as our life, expecially football. Althought it shown the true, but don giv up kep working 4 it. No matter 1minutes or second, how hard also but u stil got a chances to break it n create ur history. Coz u wil not noe whats wil happen in the end.

Actually i planned to hav a nice oie oie after watch footbal game. Coz it's late now, getting morning after few hours later, my eyes wanna TITA edi, but don noe what reason, made a suddently 4 my mood to write down tis, it's a rarely tagged, coz i had b a lazy blogger 4 a period since day by days. haiz..... lazy n lazy~
My life r fine, but exactly feeling tat sometin wil happen on me, sometin that hard but not rock, challenging but not excite 's bad matter coming 4 me. What is that?

is a bird... no~
is a aeroplace...no~
is superman ^^ talked rubish~

haiz,May b im thinking too much,
hop so......
By the way, hoping i wouldnt beat down in the nex corner, blieve ur self, fill up ur lacking confident, u can. b positive, may b the nex corner is the day that u r waiting.....
The day who will be told
The day who will make me glorious
The day.......

ENDED 3.27am

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